94 625 5730 Gernika-Lumo welcomenglishcenter@gmail.com

Our main goal is that our learners achieve their maximum potential in English.

The sky is the limit...

Our main goal is

to always achieve a high level of learner satisfaction with the courses we

provide. This simple approach has effectively fueled our growth since we opened our doors in 1989.

We are a Trinity College London examination centre and a certified Cambridge English exam preparation centre.

Our teachers are fully qualified and engaged in teaching English as a foreign language. They undergo continuous professional development

We specialise in teaching English to children as of the age of 4, teenagers and adults.

We place special emphasis on Trinity College London and Cambridge exam preparation.

Our courses are organised around the learner. In addition to improving their English language skills, our learners will have the possibility to obtain an internationally recognised English certificate.

You are more than welcome to browse our site to discover what we're all about.


Zerua da muga ...

Gure helburu nagusia gure ikasleak eskoletara gustura etortzea eta ingeleseko maila ona lortaraztea da. 1989an akademiako ateak ireki genituenetik izan da hau gure helburu.

Trinity College London azterketa zentro ofiziala gara, baita Cambridge English azterketak prestatzeko zentro espezializatu ofiziala ere.

Gure irakasleak guztiz prestatuta daude ingelesa atzerriko hizkuntza legez irakasteko. Etengabeko formakuntzan dihardute lortzen ditugun emaitzak lortu ahal izateko.

4 urtetik aurrerako haurrentzako, gaztetxoentzako, nerabeentzako eta helduentzako eskolak eskaintzen ditugu.

Trinity College London eta Cambridge azterketen prestakuntzari atentzio berezia ematen diegu.

Gure eskolen eta zerbitzuen erdigunean dago ikasleak. Euren ingeles gaitasuna garatzeaz eta hobetzeaz gain, gure ikasleek nazioartean ezagunak diren tituluak lortu ahal izango dituzte.

Izan ongi etorria gure orrialdearen bisitara. Deskubritu gure zerbitzuak.

Call us or visit us, and we will inform you about our courses, conditions and fees.