94 625 5730 Gernika-Lumo
The importance of English
The best age to learn a second language
2 to 3 hours per week.
Classes twice or once a week.
Trinity exam preparation (A2-C2)
Cambridge exam preparation (A2-C2).
Progress reports.
Highly qualified and experienced teachers.
Astero 2-3 ordu.
Klaseak astean baten edo birritan.
TRINITY azterketarako prestakuntza (A2-C2).
CAMBRIDGE azterketarako prestakuntza (A2-C2).
Jarraipen txostenak.
Esperientzia handiko irakasle prestatuak.
Expertly designed to meet your needs
We will plan the course to meet your specific needs to help you improve your English.
Zure beharrei erantzuteko diseinatutako eskolak
English opens doors
Do you need English to get the right job? Do you need English to live and work abroad? Do you need it for university? Or simply for travel and socialising?
Ingelesak ateak zabaltzen ditu
Ingelesa eskakizuna da zure ametsetako lanpostua lortzeko? Ingelesa behar duzu kanpoan bizi eta komunikatzeko? Unibertsitaterako? Edo bidaiatzeko?
Internationally recognised qualifications
We will prepare you for Cambridge ENGLISH examinations and Trinity College London examinations right here in Gernika!
Errekonozimendu internazionala duten tituluak
CAMBRIDGE eta TRINITY azterketetarako prestatuko zaitugu.
Support from highly qualified teachers
Receive feedback from your teacher every step of the way to success!
Esperientzia handidun irakasleeen babesa
Don't have much time?
No problem. We have lessons twice a week or once a week!
Denbora askorik ez?
Arazorik ez. Klaseak astean batean edo birritan jaso ditzakezu!
Can't make it to Welcome?
If you are confined due to quarantine, or if you have tested positive, you are just one click away from your class. Follow your lessons LIVE ONLINE through video conferencing with your teacher and group.
Ezin zara Welcomera hurbildu?
Konfinatuta bazaude klik bakar batek batuko zaitu eskoletara. Eskolak online eta zuzenean jarraitzeko aukera eskaintzen dugu.
Call us or visit us and we will inform you about our courses, conditions and fees.