94 625 5730 Gernika-Lumo welcomenglishcenter@gmail.com
Cambridge English Examinations
Trinity College London Examinations
13-18 year-olds.
2 and a half hours per week.
Trinity exam preparation (A2-C2)
Cambridge exam preparation (A2-C2).
Strict control of attendance
Parent conferences
Report cards every trimester
Highly qualified and experienced teachers
13-18 urteko ikasleak
2 ordu eta erdi astero
TRINITY azterketarako prestakuntza (A2-C2)
CAMBRIDGE azterketarako prestakuntza (A2-C2)
Asistentzia kontrola
Gurasoekin batzarrak
Ebaluazioa hiruhileko bakoitzean
Esperientzia handiko irakasle prestatuak
Official Examination Centre
Our objectives
Our main objective at WELCOME ENGLISH CENTER is to help our students understand and use English in the real world. In short, to help our learners to communicate fluently and effectively in English.
With this main objective in mind, we believe it is the perfect time for students to start preparing for English in the real world.
We are an official registered Trinity College London examination centre and specialise in preparing our students for the GESE (spoken) examinations which candidates may sit in for at our language school.
We are also a Cambridge English exam preparation centre preparing candidates for success at KET, PET, FCE, ADVANCED and PROFICIENCY levels.
Learners will be practising the four language skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing- in a balanced manner throughout the course consistently in enjoyable and engaging lessons.
Students will:
work on the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing in English.
practise exam strategies
communicate fluently in English
will prepare for the TRINITY COLLEGE LONDON GESE examinations.
will prepare for the CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH examinations.
Gure Helburuak
Gure helburu nagusia ikasleek ingelesa modu naturalean ulertzea eta erabiltzea da. Ikasleak mundu errealerako prestatu nahi ditugu.
TRINITY COLLEGE LONDON azterketetarako zentro ofiziala gara eta gure bereizgarria da ikasleak ahozko azterketetarako (GESE) prestatzeko gaitasuna.
CAMBRIDGE azterketak prestatzeko zentro ofiziala ere bagara, eta ikasleak KET, PET, FCE, ADVANCED eta PROFICIENCY mailak modu arrakastatsuan gainditzeko prestatzen ditugu.
Ikasleek lau gaitasunak landuko dituzte modu natural eta dibertigarrian: entzumena, mintzamena, irakurmena eta idazmena.
Lau gaitasunak landuko dituzte: entzumena, mintzamena, irakurmena eta idazmena.
Azterketa estrategiak praktikatuko dituzte.
Modu naturalean erabiliko dute ingelesa.
TRINITY COLLEGE LONDON azterketarako prestakuntza jasoko dute.
CAMBRIDGE azterketarako prestakuntza jasoko dute.
Call us or visit us and we will inform you about our courses, conditions and fees.